Presentation Zones Plugin
Presentation Zones are used to create areas for Large Presentations, Question & Answer sessions, Panel Discussions or other situations where you need multiple presenter microphones to speak to a large audience, or to control audio and pass microphones only to select guests.
Create a Presentation Zone
- Install the Plugin for Presentation Zones
- Insert > Objects > Presentation Zone to create a new presentation zone.
- This creates this wireframe cube, which is called "zone". Move the zone to the middle of your presentation area, and resize the zone so it fully covers the stage any area you would like your audience to watch from.
- Your audience must be standing in the zone to experience the presentation.
- Place your Presentation Zones over landmarks or create simple colored floor shapes to designate the area that the presentation zone covers.
- Select your Zone in the Scene Editor and modify the Component for Presentation Zone:
- Name: Nickname for this Presentation Zone
- Description: A description for the presentation zone
- Main Screen: If a screen is selected, presenter's Screen Share will be presented on an in-world screen. If no screen is selected, screen share is displayed in a pop-up window.
- Additional Zone Properties
- Info > ☑️ Hidden: Hide the Zone outline
- Clickable > No: When the zone covers a large area, sometimes it can block clickable items. Set Clickable to No to prevent it from being clicked within the scene window. The object can still be modified in the Scene Editor.
Re-name your Zones in a way that you can find them! If Click is Disabled, you can only edit the zone properties by finding/searching in the Editor Window.
The Raise Your Hand Plugin is a great addition to presentation zones. This allows guests to raise their hand to be acknowledged by the presenters and/or given a temporary stage mic to ask a question.
Connecting an In-World Screen to a Presentation Zone
The presenter's screen-share can be displayed on an in-world screen instead of the traditional popup window.
- Create and place a Media Screen (Insert > Objects > Media Screen) The Media Share Plugin must be installed.
- In the Presentation Zone Component, choose your screen in the Main Screen dropdown.
When a Presenter or Admin start a Screen Share within the zone, the first screenshare is displayed on the in-world screen. If multiple presenters share their screens, any other presenters that share their screen will be displayed in a popup window.
Using a Presentation Zone
Admins & Presenter Controls
When in a Presentation Zone, Space Admins and users who are given the Presenter role can change their camera and microphone from Near Me to Current Zone, in order to speak to everyone in the zone at full volume.
When you switch your microphone distance to presentation zone, your microphone will be muted. This is purposeful to prevent "hot-mic" moments.
After switching your Microphone and Camera distance to Current Zone, you are now in presentation mode. When you are presenting your Mic and Camera to the zone, a toast message appears at the bottom of your screen.
Your Webcam and Screenshare can be previewed in the bottom-right corner.
When entering a Presentation Zone guests are shown a toast message at the bottom of the screen.
Choosing "Yes" opens the People Menu. You can also select the People Menu without clicking the popup.
Guests see presenters' screenshares and webcams in the top-left corner. The windows attendees receive can be moved and re-sized freely on the screen.
Giving & Taking Stage Mics
To facilitate Question & Answer sessions or easily add more presenters to the conversation, Space Admins can find a user in the people menu, click their name to open their profile, and choose "Give Stage Mic".
Remind your guest that they may need to un-mute their stage mic to speak. Stage mics are muted by default to prevent 'hot-mic' moments.
Once the guest has finished speaking you can click the stage mic in the People Menu and choose Take Stage Mic.
The Raise Your Hand Plugin is a great addition to presentation zones. This allows guests to raise their hand to be acknowledged by the presenters and/or given a temporary stage mic to ask a question.
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