Can I move NFTs out of my Vatom Wallet to another wallet?
Yes you can, however we recommend keeping them in your Vatom Wallet until we integrate other wallets and blockchains into Vatom products.
Vatom Smart NFTs have special functionality and are programmable in only our wallet. You can see them animate, receive rewards, drop them and see them in AR/VR, or augmented reality in your Vatom NFT wallet.
You can list and sell these NFTs on Vatom Marketplace for Etherium or Dollars.
No other wallet is like it on the market. We will soon offer integration with other wallets so stay tuned! Additionally, transferring to another wallet will incur gas fees to the person transferring.
Minting Vatom SmartNFTs to Polygon and Etherium can disable many "smart" features. These are not recoverable.
How To Mint Vatom NFTs to Metamask and View on Opensea
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