The Move Camera interaction is used to move the guest's camera into a specific position when clicking the object. This is commonly used for media screens to go into "fullscreen" or "perfect view", and for images, NFTs, and objects to be presented in full-screen or viewed from an intended direction.
To back out of "Perfect View", press any key or click outside of the screen area.
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To add this interaction to an object, select the object to open the object's Properties in the Scene Editor.
Choose "Interact" from the bottom of the Properties window.
For the Interaction Mode: Choose "Move Camera"
Cancel First Interaction
Can be used with "Media Controller", "click to play" and other screen media interactions that would otherwise occur when a screen is clicked.
With Cancel First Interaction unchecked or disabled, clicking the screen will trigger BOTH the move-camera interaction and the screen media interaction (opening controller popup or starting the video on click)
With Cancel First Interaction checked or enabled, clicking the screen will only trigger the view movement. A second click will trigger the media player or controller.
The distance away from the screen in Meters that the camera will mode to. The camera will always focus on the object's control point from the front of the screen.
Camera height adjustment in meters. The camera will continue to point at the object's control point.
Horizontal Rotation
Rotate the camera view horizontally
Vertical Rotation
Tilt the camera view vertically.
When the object is already in "perfect view", a second click can trigger a URL to open a new tab. For non-media screens, choose a URL to link to on a second click.
View the object from above, looking straight down.
Customize for Mobile
(Optional) Customize a different "perfect view" for mobile devices in portrait mode.
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